Little Panthers Preschool

Mrs. Lisa Samson


Mrs. Tina Gust


Located at Fuerstenau Early Childhood Center


Current and Legacy family ONLY registration link here:

Picture of the FECC building with an OUR STAFF IS DYNOMITE yard sign

Little Panthers Preschool serves three to five year old children in a multi-age learning environment. Our preschool is based on the High/Scope approach which focuses on active learning, where children learn through direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects, events, and ideas.

To be eligible to attend Little Panthers Preschool, children must be three years of age by September 1, and fully potty trained(no diapers/pullups/no accidents at nap.

 You do not need to be a DeWitt resident to apply for Little Panthers Preschool.

For more information on the High Scope Curriculum, please see the Preschool Parent Handbook. 

Little Panthers Preschool is a half day program. 

Preschool tuition payments are due the first of every month from September – April. Checks may be made payable to DeWitt Community Ed and may be dropped off at the Community Education office located at FECC.

Please let us know if you are interested in an automatic deduction option using your credit/debit card.

2023-2024 Class Options & Tuition Cost

2 Day AM                             

Monday & Tuesday8-11 a.m.$147/month ($1141/year)

3 Day AM

Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday8-11 a.m$216/ month ($1693/ year)

4 Day AM

Monday - Thursday8-11 a.m.$270/ month ($2125/year)

4 Day PM  -2 sessions

Monday - Thursday12-3$270/month ($2125/year)

Enrollment is lottery based

Registration (happens after you are chosen in the lottery from enrollment forms) Fee -$125.00 ($75 waived if enrollment is paid in full)

Please note the K.I.D.S. Childcare is a separate program from LPPS and has separate fees* but is in the same building.

Payment receipts can be downloaded and printed using Activenet class registration portal.

Tax ID#: G38-600-1000

Please retain your monthly receipts. End of year reports will not be provided.